Posts Currently viewing the category: "Grace"

God finished His work that He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. God blessed the seventh day and made it Holy because on it God rested from His work that He had done in creation. These are the generations of the heavens and the…(Read More)

All human beings are made in the image of God and, consequently, possess inherent value and dignity. When one ponders this should will appreciate the extent to which births should be celebrated and deaths should be grieved. In direct disregard for this reality, we have gravitated to a cultural norm that treats abortion as a…(Read More)


  Recently, I was reviewing a list of blogs that are part of my routine reading and I came across an essay written by Chase Davis, a friend and fellow pastor in the state of Colorado. Because he is a white man pastoring a rather homogeneous church in an equally homogeneous community, I was interested…(Read More)

  In 2011 Rob Bell relished in the havoc that could be evoked only by a coy publication of his doctrinal views. He decided to address ideas regarding eternal judgment, specifically, the doctrine of hell. He concluded that the God of the Bible is incapable of condemning a divine image bearer to an eternal hell…(Read More)

  In light of the recent discussion regarding domestic violence we deemed it necessary to post an essay that reveals our heart on this matter. After much consideration we concluded that it is wise to have a trusted friend draft an essay that speaks to this issue. Her well-crafted, loving, and experienced language addresses…(Read More)