Posts Currently viewing the category: "Community"

  The Embassy Church is located in East Denver and we hold our worship gatherings at Cole School of Arts & Sciences Academy. Our mission field is located in the 80205 zip code, which is the twelfth most gentrified zip code in the country. In other words, a community that has been predominately African American…(Read More)

  The last week has been both a relief and burden for me. I am relieved that we have finally progressed past the campaign/election season in America. But I am burdened by the manner in which we engaged one another and the reactions to the election results. Part of the U…(Read More)

  As we prepare to facilitate The Embassy Church’s first covenant membership class for our new members I saw fit to post a blog that affirms such an action on our part. By what authority do we call people to enter into covenant as members of the local church? While preparing to…(Read More)

  In our last blog post we visited four questions that we wanted to spend some time unpacking. We asked, 1) What are we doing? (The Mission) 2) Why are we doing it? (The Values) 3) How are we going to get it done? (The Strategies) 4) When do we have a win? (The…(Read More)

  About fifteen years ago a came across a sermon by Dr. John Piper entitled, “Doing Missions When Dying Is Gain.” Obviously the title was an attention getter so I set time aside and listened to it. I had no idea how much it would influence my life. It not…(Read More)

  On April 1st 2012 we launched the weekly worship gatherings of The Embassy Church. We are missionaries to the Denver metro area and we have started by engaging the communities that fall within a 5-mile radius of City Park. As missionaries we exegete the community and its residence; we want and need to…(Read More)

  Recently I had a conversation with a dear friend in which he tried his best to convince me that I should NOT plant a church. He loves me and he knows me well so he came to our conversation with a remarkable grasp of the pertinent statistics and he had clearly systematized his…(Read More)

  We are in the process of launching a church in the Denver metro area. The church is called “The Embassy.” Our first gathering is only weeks away and every moment we become more aware of our heart’s greatest desire. By God’s grace we strive toward making disciples in the…(Read More)