Posts Posts by: "theembassy"

We are recipients of God’s mercy. As we receive it we should function as funnels not cups that hoard it for ourselves. We should seek the wellness, the wholeness, the justice of those who are persecuted instead of adding to it. We should shield them from the wickedness. Let us ignore the excuse that…(Read More)


God know about our situations. And he has the capabilities by just His words to speak into our situation and be healed. God isn’t just concerned about our situation here, but is concerned about our situation for eternity. We are blessed that by his stripes we are are healed. VIEW ENTIRE SERVICE ON YOUTUBE…(Read More)


God has conquered sin, death, and the grave. We can put our hope in him. God has given us the ability to process through grief. We need to take advantage of loving people well when they’re with us, so we don’t have to carry the regret of pain and loss. We need to…(Read More)
